This is an exercise that can strengthen neural connections and even create new ones.
Switch the hand you are using to control the computer mouse. Use the hand you normally do NOT use.
What do you notice?
Is it harder to be precise and accurate with your motions?
Do you feel like you did when you were first learning to tie your shoelaces?
If you are feeling uncomfortable and awkward don’t worry, your brain is learning a new skill.
Try other neural building and strengthening exercises with everyday movements. Use your opposite hand to brush your teeth, dial the phone or operate the TV remote.
Try to include one or more of your senses in an everyday task:
Get dressed with your eyes closed
Share a meal and use only visual cues to communicate. No talking.
Combine two senses:
Listen to music and smell flowers
Listen to the rain and tap your fingers
Watch clouds and play with modeling clay at the same time
Go to work on a new route
Eat with your opposite hand
Shop at new grocery store.
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